Monday, December 13, 2010

I plan on making my fairytale better then my documentary by being more prepared. Instead of filming with no real idea of what to create, other then spontaneous thoughts. I will also make the documentary better  by having more time to film the group work and more time to edit all of the footage and make a better final product.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Good Character

A good character in a movie had the ability to seem like a real person, and show his or her emotions in a way that allows the viewer to form a opinion on the character and develop real feelings wether it be love or hatred for the person. My favorite character is Borat because of the comical things he says and does that seems to outrages to be real, but can somehow make me feel like he is a real person.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Hansel and Gredal was my favorite fairy tale as a kid because I liked the idea of finding a house made of candy in the forest. The moral of the story was to not trust strangers, even if they have candy. 

Monday, December 6, 2010


Chris is a Hero!
The hero of the story in my opinion is Chris for without Chris, Gordie would not have become the person he is today. Chris was the person who believed in Gordie, and encouraged him to pursue his dream of becoming a writer. If it wasn't for Chris, Gordie may have given up on life, and killed himself. Through out the movie Gordie feels alone, and misunderstood but Chris was the only person who would stand by him and help Gordie through his problems in life. Chris also over comes adversity and becomes a successful lawyer. Chris also makes the ultimate sacrifice, by giving his life to save a stranger.

Friday, October 29, 2010

RIP! A Remix Manisfesto

                                                               Name: Jesse Michel                                         
Mark:       /15
RIP! A Remix Manisfesto
For each clip, you are expected to write a short response to a guiding question below.  Put some thought into your answers and use information from the film to back up your ideas.
I will be looking at how much thought you put into your responses, how well you use supporting evidence from the film.  Also, spelling and grammar count.
Chapter 1:
Do you think that if you manipulate an existing song enough you can eventually claim it as your own creation? Explain. No, If you remade to song using your own instruments to duplicate the song, then remix it I think it would be acceptable. If you are using what someone else made, then remix it without their permission the its wrong. Regardless you are still using their content, and making profit from their talent. Im not saying being a masher isn’t hard. Im just saying it would be like someone using a picture of you for their facebook picture. Yes they can change the brightness, or some coloration, but it’s still you.
Chapter 2: 
What do you think is more important: The creative process or the final product? Explain. I think the creative process is the most important, because in music, and other arts one must show their emotions, and take their own spin on their work. For example Kurt Cobains music before record labels took over was unwanted, and racket to most, but Kurt loved it. He protested the record companies screwing around with his music, and felt as if the art was taken out of his work.
Chapter 3:
Do you think you can argue your creativity when it’s based on other people’s work? Explain. Yes and no. If you have permission to use their work and do your own creative touches to it then it is okay. If they say no, or the final product is to similar to the original piece of work then it’s not okay. 
Chapter 4: 
What kind of system could you create that would be fair to the artist being sampled and the artist doing the sampling? The person who is mixing the original artists song could pay them a portion of the money made from that song, or just pay them an overall cost for the use of their song in the new product. 
Chapter 5:
Copyright laws were originally intended to encourage people to create.  Do you think that intention has changed in recent years? I Think that copyright laws protect artists from being robbed of their creativity by someone else who may want to steal their work, but overall it prevents the new wave of artists, called mashers, create their music. All in all the arts are for expression, who is the government to say someone else’s expression isn’t my own. 

Monday, October 18, 2010